Yoga not for Christians 1

Yoga, a widely embraced exercise and relaxation practice, may appear harmless. Nevertheless, Christians must address its noteworthy spiritual risks. This article explores yoga’s origins, potential dangers for Christians, and how it contrasts with our methods of prayer and meditation.

The Origins of Yoga

Yoga originated in ancient India and is deeply rooted in Hindu philosophy and spirituality. “Yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj,” which means to yoke or unite. In its original context, yoga is a spiritual discipline that aims to achieve unity with the divine or higher consciousness. The various practices of yoga, including physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation (dhyana), are designed to prepare the body and mind for spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

The practice of yoga is deeply rooted in the spiritual principles of Hinduism, which include concepts such as karma (the law of cause and effect), dharma (one’s duty and righteousness), and moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth). These principles guide practitioners toward self-realization, inner peace, and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings. Although yoga is commonly promoted in the West as a secular practice centered on health and well-being, its origins and ultimate objectives are spiritual and religious.

Potential Hazards for Christians

For Christians, the primary concern with practicing yoga lies in its association with divination, spiritism, and engagement with the spiritual realm outside the faith in God. Here are several potential hazards:

  1. Spiritual Syncretism: Yoga practice may lead to syncretism, mixing Christian beliefs with incompatible spiritual practices. The Hindu spirituality behind yoga can inadvertently lead Christians to adopt a worldview that conflicts with their fundamental beliefs.
  2. Opening to Unseen Forces: Yoga and its meditative practices can open individuals to spiritual influences, not of God. The Bible warns against engaging with spirits outside of the Holy Spirit, which can lead to deception and spiritual harm.

3. Invoking different energies or spiritual beings during yoga sessions can be seen as akin to divination or spiritism, which the Bible explicitly condemns (Deuteronomy 18:10–12).

  1. Diverting Focus from God: Yoga meditation practices often emphasize emptying the mind or focusing on oneself or nature rather than God. This inward focus can distract Christians’ attention from their relationship with God, diminishing their reliance on Him and potentially leading them to seek spiritual fulfillment elsewhere.
  2. Biblical Precedent: The Bible recounts instances where engagement with the spiritual realm outside God’s guidance leads to negative consequences. For example, the resurrection of Samuel by the witch of Endor (1 Samuel 28:7–25) serves as a cautionary tale. King Saul’s decision to seek out a medium rather than God led to his downfall and demonstrated the dangers of turning to spiritism.

Contrast with Christian Practices

Christian prayer and meditation fundamentally differ from yoga in their purpose and focus. Here’s a comparison to highlight these differences:

  1. Purpose:
    • Yoga: Seeks unity with the divine or higher consciousness, often involving various spiritual entities and energies.
    • Christian Prayer and Meditation: Aims to deepen one’s relationship with God through Jesus Christ, focusing on God’s word and His presence.
  2. Focus:
    • Yoga: Often centers on the self, nature, or the universe, encouraging an inward journey.
    • Christian Practices: Direct attention towards God, seeking His guidance, comfort, and wisdom. For example, picture prayer involves visualizing scenes from the Bible or imagining oneself in the presence of Jesus, enhancing the personal connection with God.
  3. Scriptural Basis:
    • Yoga is rooted in Hindu scriptures and philosophy outside the Christian canon.
    • Christian Meditation: Grounded in the Bible. Verses like Joshua 1:8 encourage meditation on God’s law, and Psalm 1:2 speaks of delighting in and meditating on God’s word.


Many people have the impression that yoga is a gentle, relaxing exercise. Aside from physical movements and breathwork, it has philosophical foundations and a rich history. It is believed that yoga originated in ancient Indian traditions. In addition to promoting inner calm and self-awareness, it promotes harmony between the mind, body, and spirit.

For Christians, practicing yoga poses significant risks due to its deep roots in Hinduism and its potential to lead us astray from our faith. The Bible urges us to seek God wholeheartedly and to avoid practices that may open doors to spiritual influences outside His protection. Instead of yoga, we are encouraged to pray and meditate on God and His word, fostering a deeper, more authentic relationship with Him. In a world where light and darkness coexist, Christians must discern and choose practices that align with their faith and honor their commitment to God.

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By Global Media Express

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